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English: Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are rapidly entering mainstream applications. Whether in education, healthcare, or entertainment, these technologies are transforming how people experience and interact with the world. For example, in education, VR technology can provide immersive learning experiences, allowing students to explore historical events or scientific phenomena in a virtual environment. In healthcare, AR technology can be used for surgical assistance and remote diagnosis, providing precise visual guidance to doctors. In the future, as hardware and software technologies advance, VR and AR will become more ubiquitous and find broader applications across various fields.
· 技术复杂性 (Technical Complexity):AI技术的实现和应用需要高水平的技术能力和资源。金融机构需要投资于技术研发和人才培训澳门一肖一码100准202ⅰ,以应对技术复杂性带来的挑战。